Insights Discovery Workshops, Profiles & Experiential Learning

Insights Discovery Personality Profile
Increase self-awareness | Promote effective relationships | Improve communication

GOTO Events are proud to offer personal, team and leadership development programmes using The Colour Works International and the ’Insights Discovery® personal profile.
The Colour Works have been transforming workplace performance globally for over 15 years. The workshops are designed to develop teams and leaders by building emotional intelligence and team-working skills. At the heart this lies the Insights Discovery personal profile and colour model of behaviours. When used in an interactive programme, this memorable and accessible tool immediately shifts mind-sets, brings the psychology of behaviour to life and gives delegates a deep understanding of how to improve their own and their team’s performance.
What is it & who is it for?
Self-awareness is key to the success of every individual, and that’s exactly what Insights Discovery delivers. A better understanding of self and others means that relationships at work can become vehicles for, not barriers to, business success.
Insights Discovery is for anyone who:
- Needs to understand the impact of their personal style
Wants to have effective relationships with their colleagues
Hopes to achieve success through building strong partnerships
Is striving to improve communications and minimise conflict
At the very start of the self-awareness journey is Insights Discovery. A psychometric tool based on the psychology of Carl Jung, Insights Discovery is built to help people understand themselves, understand others, and make the most of the relationships that affect them in the workplace.
The Insights Discovery methodology uses a simple and memorable four colour model to help people understand their style, their strengths and the value they bring to the team. We call these the colour energies, and it’s the unique mix of Fiery Red, Sunshine Yellow, Earth Green and Cool Blue energies, which determines how and why people behave the way they do.
Where can it lead?
Everyone receives a unique and in-depth Insights Discovery Personal Profile, which is the core of a host of different learning experiences – from individual coaching sessions, to e-learning to group workshops. Using the profiles as a springboard, we work with your people, teams and leaders to tackle the challenges that are standing between them and peak performance, such as effective communication, management styles, sales performance and finding an environment that inspires them to do their best work.
Key chapters of the Insights Discovery Personal Profile can include:
- Strengths, weaknesses and value to the team
- Management – how you like to manage and be managed
- Communication style
- Sales effectiveness
- Creating your ideal working environment
Tailored programs designed around your team goals and objectives
Discover individual strengths and challenges Explore communication preferences Understand individual and team behaviours
Prepare leaders & teams for organisational change Learn how others react to change Keep people on track during change
Understand management & leadership styles Explore organisational impact as a leader What it means to be a leader
Measure team and individual performance Understand team needs strengths and challenges Explore team performance diagnostics

What's involved
This programme introduces the Insights Discovery model of behaviours and personal profiles. During this interactive programme we investigate who we are as individuals – our strengths and challenges, our communication preferences and motivations and crucially how our behaviour may affect those around us.
After attending this workshop your team will:
- Have greater self-awareness and understanding of the impact we have on others
- Recognise and value the gifts that different personalities bring to the team
- Build more open, honest and trusting team relationships
- Increase communication through a common language of behaviours
- Have agreed strategies to increase their own and collective performance
- Be motivated to take action back in the workplace

What's involved
The Leading Change programme prepares teams and leaders for organisational change and helps them take people with them along the way. As part of this programme delegates will experience the Insights Discovery personal profiles and through the eyes of the colour model become familiar with their own preferred style during change. They will learn how others react to change and how to keep people on track and engaged throughout a change programme.
After attending this workshop your team will:
- Understand the human impact of change and why it so often fails
- Have more self-awareness and recognise behavioural style throughout change
- Be better equipped to manage stress during change
- Become more resilient and capable of pulling fragmented teams together
- Know how to create world-class teams that drive change
- Feel refreshed and ready to take the learning back into the workplace

What's involved
The Outstanding Leadership programme is a game-changing event that helps managers and leaders understand more about themselves, their leadership style and the impact they have on an organisation as leader. During this programme, and through the Insights Discovery profiles and colour model, we delve deep into what it means to be a leader, how our behaviour underpins our actions and how we, as a team, can collectively help shape the culture of the organisation
After attending this workshop your team will:
- Know when to manage, or step up and lead
- Have developed their emotional intelligence skills
- Understand the differences in personality and how they relate to leadership styles
- Be more aware of how they communicate with, and lead teams
- Have agreed a set of behaviours that will support the organisation’s culture
- Be ready to own their issues and lead from a place of humility

What's involved
The Team Effectiveness workshop is an interactive facilitated event that measures performance and brings accountability to the surface. Every team has its own unique set of perceptions, needs, strengths and challenges. The purpose of this day is to bring a framework to the team based on the results of the team performance diagnostic which is completed anonymously before-hand.
After attending this workshop your team will:
- Have measured their performance through 16 crucial team enablers
- Know what high-performance team-working is, and what it will take to create it
- Be aware of any hidden blockers to achieving high performance through the diagnostic
- Take away specific personal and team actions
- Be able to hold one another accountable to their actions
- Feel engaged in the process and empowered to take ownership