
This event is a fantastic icebreaker or energiser which combines teambuilding and fun! A group will participate in a series of light-hearted fun games, tasks and quizzes. By increasing energy levels, heart rate and diversity of activity guests have greater concentration and will be substantially more open to learning and retaining information.  The games come thick and fast – calling for quick thinking, interaction and a good sense of humour!

Magic Stick

Each team is given a ‘Magic Stick’. The aim of this exercise is for the team to lower the stick to the ground – making sure that all the team members are in contact with the stick at all times. The only thing is the stick is Magic and doesn’t want to go down – it wants to go up!

Mr Wiggle

A hilarious exercise! The teams are asked to stand in a circle and hold hands when an hoola hoop is placed around the arm of one of the team members. The whole team then needs to pass through the tube as many times as possible without breaking the chain!

A to Z

With the entire alphabet they need to think of a sentence the whole team feel represents the company through their eyes.  But they must use every letter and get in the right order.

Catch Phrase

This exercise is made up of a mix of fun puzzles, brain teasers and catch phrases – all requiring lateral thinking. Which team can solve each of the puzzles first?

It’s a Numbers Game

A great test of teamwork, communication and speed, this activity requires everyone to use a bit of old fashioned memory power. A numbered card is given to each of the participants and it is your team’s task to find the numbers and place them in order. The catch? Only one person can turn over one card at a time, returning the card to the “owner” unless it fits into the correct order. Tricky and fun, this will have everyone working together as they try and remember where each numbered card is!

Heads, Shoulders, Knees & Toes

By increasing energy levels, heart rate and diversity of activity guests have greater concentration and will be substantially more open to learning and retaining information.  Combining metal cues with physical moves, will you be able to pat your head and stand on one leg at the right time?